Preta Wolzak  Wagenmakerij 1E  1505 SG Zaandam Hembrug


NL=USart at Pan-Amsterdam Art Fair 24 november - 1 december 2024 Booth 45

Women in Science

Embroidery and Leather


My latest series # Controlrooms 130 x 160 cm textile art, leather sequins, silk wool beads on canvas. 2024

#Control by Elephant

From the series Controlrooms 110 x 170 cm. Textile art. Leather silk wool cotton, sequins, beads spinel glass on canvas. 2024

arctic charade #Endurance

Cord leather embroidery acrylics fibers sequins. 125 x 170 cm 2022

Arctic charade #weatherstation

2022 Leather sequins textile wool and cotton. 120 x 95 cm.


300 x 125 cm. 2022 different textiles on canvas leather and sequins, acrylics, fibers, wool, cotton.

Arctic charade #Polarfox

Polarfox from the series Arctic Charade, sequins leather silk acrylics and leather 140 x 140 cm. 2021

Arctic Charade #Walrus

from the series Arctic Charade, sequins and leather silk wool cotton acrylics and leather 140 x 140 cm. December 2021

Arctic Charade #polarrodeo

PolarRodeo 2020 125 x 150 Big embroidery leather sequins acrylic

arctic charade # Pyrexia

Arctic Charade Pyrexia big embroidery sequins silk acrylics fibres 130 x 140 cm 2019

arctic charade # dirtyDancers

Arctic Charade 130 x 140 cm sequins acrylics big embroidery. 2019 This work is part of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek art collection

Arctic Charade # IceClown

Arctic Charade 130 x 140 big embroidery leather sequins acrylic. 2019

arctic charade # Swagger

embroidery and leather sequins acrylics fibres 130 x 140 cm

Arctic Charade “new Dino”

embroidery and leather sequins acrylics fibres 130 x 140 cm

Arctic Charade White

sequins, silk embroidery, acrylics 140 x 140 cm. This work is part of the Antoni van leeuwenhoek art collection

Arctic Charade “Crevasse”

embroidery , sequins and acrylics 120 x 150 cm

Arctic Charade “White Zorro”

120 x 160 cm acrylics leather sequins embroidery yarn

Arctic Charade “Equilibrium”

no.4 from the series Arctic 110 x 150 cm embroidery, leather, acrylic, sequins

Arctic Charade “Blue”

a new series embroideries, leather, fibres, drawings, 120 x 150cm. This work is part of the VU Art collection.

Arctic Charade “Balance”

115 x 150 cm embroidery sequins fibres acrylics

headdress #2.

150 x 120 cm Leather and Embroidery, bark cord wool cotton silk. 2024

Headdress #1

150 x 120 cm Leather and embroidery, cord, shetland wool, silk. 2024

people with the yellow ear

My latest series: People With The Yellow Ear from the isle of ChuckacaBa. The most breathtaking place on earth, ChuckacaBa is situated at Micronesia. Each portrait is composed out of multiple ethnicities.

Pwtye #30

a composed portrait 33% Japanese 33%Spanish 34% Brazilian 150 x 120 cm


My latest portrait People with the yellow ear Big 150 x 120 cm. Every work is hand embroidered This is a composed portrait 33% Iranian 33% Dutch 34% Malian.


BIG 150 x 120 cm composed portrait. This big one from the series People with the yellow ear. Composed portrait 34% Sudanese 33% Dutch 33% Palestine. Wool Cotton Silk Leather and Bark. 2022

People with the yellow ear #20

A composed portrait 33% Scottish 33% Azerbaijani 34% Fuegians. Hand embroidery and leather. BIG 150 x 120 cm. 2022


A composed portrait 33% Spanish 33% Greek 34% Inuit. Hand embroidery and leather. BIG 150 x 120 cm. 2022

founder of the yellow ear #27


pwtye #23

A composed portrait 33% Korean 33% Cuban 34% Danish. Hand embroidery and leather.

People with the yellow ear #9

This man is composed 33% Kenian 33% Sicilian 34% Canadian. Big Embroidery 150 x 120 cm

people with the yellow ear #10

This woman is composed 33% Iranian 33% Spanish 34% Mozambican. Big Embroidery 150 x 120 cm

people with the yellow ear #16

she is composed 33% Iceland 33% Jamaican 34% Maroccan. 150 x 120 cm. abseilers rope, alpaca wool, silk, cotton, leather. BIG

people with the yellow ear #8

From the Isle ChuckacaBa. This woman is composed 33% Italian, 33% Lebanese, 34% Alaskan. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #7

From the isle of Chuckacaba. This girl is composed 33% French, 33% Kenyan, 34% Cuban. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #6

From the Isle Chuckacaba. This man is composed 33% Belizean, 33% Sudanic, 34% Swiss. 40 x 30 cm

people withe the yellow ear # 5

From the isle of Chuckacaba. This man is 33% Ethiopian, 33% Swedish and 34% Mongolian. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear # 4

From the isle of ChuckacaBa. This women is 33% Cameroonian, 33% Greenlandic, 34% Iranian. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear # 3

From the isle of Chuckacaba. This women is 33% Scottish, 33% Azerbaijani, 34% Fuegians. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear # 2

From the isle of Chuckacaba. This girl is 33% Islandic, 33% Brasilian, 34% Ivorian. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear # 1

From the isle of ChuckacaBa. This women is 33% guatamalan, 33% Norwegian, 34% Korean. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #11

From the Isle Chuckacaba. This woman is composed 33% Kenian, 33% Irish, 34% Greek. 40 x 30 cm

People with the yellow ear #12

From the Isle Chuckacaba. This woman is composed 33% Cuban, 33% Danish, 34% Bhutanese. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #13

embroidery and leather She is composed 33% Ukranian 33% Costarican 34% Malawian. 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #14

From the Isle Chuckacaba. She is 33% Indian, 33% Chileans, 34% Norwegian 40 x 30 cm

people with the yellow ear #15

From the isle of ChuckacaBa this portrait is composed 33% Brazilian 33% Greek 34% Indonesian. 40 x 30 cm. embroidery with leather

people with the yellow ear #17

She started as a he but turned out to be a she. 33% French 33% Kuwaiti 34% Ivorian. 40 x 30 cm.

people with the yellow ear #18

this portrait is composed 33% Ecuadorian 33% Georgian 34% French

People with the yellow ear #19

composed portraits 33% south Sudanese 33% Nepalese 34% Finnish. 40 x 30 cm embroidery with leather.


A composed portrait 33% Swedish 33% Marshallese 34% Inuit. Hand embroidery and leather. 40 x 30 cm. 2022


A composed portrait 33% Cameroonian 33% Belgian 34% Brazilian. 40 x 30 cm, hand embroidery and leather.

Pwtye #28

Big Portraits from the series People with the yellow ear 150 x 120 cm embroidery and leather textileart Composed portrait 33% Italian 33% Peruvian 34% Mauritanian.

Pwtye #29

New composed portrait from the series PWTYE 150 x 120 cm textileart embroidery and leather, bark, rope and feathers


composed portrait 33% Indian, 33% Malian, 34% Danish. 40 x 30 cm


composed portrait, 33% Nicaraguan, 33% Canadian, 34% Palestinian. 40 x 30 cm


composed portrait: 33% Taiwanese 33% Ecuadorian 34% Ivorian. 40 x 30 cm hand embroidery and leather

# Marlow Moss

embroidery and leather 40 x 30 cm commissioned work

Opisthoproctus Soleatus #7

Hemelkijker No. 7

Hemelkijkers 5 & 6 says Bonjourrr

Opisthoproctus Soleatus 2021

hemelkijker 6

hemelkijker 5


silicons, clay, epoxy, crystalbeads. 2021

Opisthoproctus Soleatus

#Hemelkijker molds clay epoxy crystal and beads. 2021

Lucanus Cervus

old molds, clay silicons, beads and fiber, 2021.

Isle of Chuckacaba

molds crystals wood silicons 120 x 35 cm. 2020

Warrant Officer Snotolf

molds, crystals, clay, epoxy, fibres, 100 x 35 cm. 2020

#Sergeant Rabbit

epoxy, clay, fibres, silk. 2019

Sergeant majoor Beertje

clay and epoxy silk and threads. 2019

# Tina

portrait of *Bas Kosters* embroidery and leather. 2019

text me

75 x 40 cm. 2019

My Arctic Charade Series

Fighting Females

With her new series of works entitled Fighting Females Preta Wolzak honours a group of women who achieved enormous progress for their families, their village, their country, their world. Some were instrumental in improving the economy, the environment, and science. Some fought for women's rights, the position of women with AIDS, and against female genital mutilation, and scarification. Others worked hard to promote peace, or to stand up for the liberation of gay or transgender people. None of these women received sufficient recognition for their work, mainly because they were women. They were often not appreciated for their accomplishments, or even ignored and humiliated. Some sacrificed their freedom or even lost their life. 2018

Fighting Female : Mali # 4

hand-embroidered & leather

fighting females: # 1 Wangari

hand-embroidered & leather

Fighting Females: # 3 MarieClaire

hand-embroidered and leather

fighting females # 2 Marsha

Hand-embroidered and leather

Fighting Females Mali # 5

hand-embroidered and leather

fighting females: Mali # 6

Old rituals in a Young face - teeth chiseling


Solo exhibition May/June 2018

part of the Arctic Charade white , embroidey,sequins


back to work after a beautiful Miami art week

thanks to Kimi Hamada May 2018

kunstrai 2018

my work at Kunstrai 2018 ma petite Inuite/ Everybody needs a hero/ Call me : embroided portraits with leather

Ma petite inuite #5

Homage to the people who are the first to deal with climate change, tourism and mining for resources. 40 x 30 cm embroidery and leather

ma petite inuite # 2

embroidery and leather 40 x 30 cm

ma petite inuite # 1

35x35 cm yarn and leather

# Ma Petite Inuite # 3

40 x 30 cm embroidery with leather

ma petite inuite #4

this work is part of the AkzoNobelArtFoundation.

all hand embroidered portraits of antarctic hero's

Everybody needs a hero MH

the first African-American to reach the North Pole with Peary explorer in 1909. It took a while ...but in 1944 he received the Medal of Honor by US Congress. This work is part of the AkzoNobelArtFoundation.

everybody needs a hero – F.D.

real antarctic pioneers FD 40 x 30 cm yarn and suede

everybody needs a Hero – G.M.

real antarctic pioneer GM 40 x 30 cm embroidery and leather

everybody needs a hero – H.R.

real antarctic pioneer HR 40 x 30 cm embroidery and leather

Everybody needs a hero – T.G.

real antarctic pioneer TG 40 x 30 cm embroidery and leather

Everybody needs a hero – R.F.S.

real antarctic pioneers RFS 70 x 55 cm leather and embroidery goldleaf

Everybody needs a hero -F.H.

real antarctic pioneers FH 70 x 55 cm leather and embroidery goldleaf

Call Me

Molds, clay, yarn, acrylics, epoxy, wood, 75 x 35 cm

tag me

molds, yarn, silk, wood, clay, epoxy, acrylics 95 x 35 cm

Selfie Boymans

fine-art print 120 x 150 cm

selfie Rietveld

fine-art print 120 x 150 cm

Big silk crepe georgette scarves # LoLa # Wobbegong # Adila 135 x 135 cm

Kunstrai 2017

# solo at the Kunstrai 2017

# Beta Angels #

embroidery (yarnpainting) acrylic crystal leather 190 x 225 cm

The Children of St. Kilda

Homage to the craftsmanship and the people of Hirta (St Kilda) who where deported by the British government in 1936. This most spectaculair island has been abandoned ever since. My work The Children of St. Kilda ( 2007/2011/2017) 75 x 385 cm

Bubu est Magnifique

120 x 100 cm embroidery acrylic on canvas ( yarnpainting ) (Missoni collection)


120 x 85 cm embroidery( yarnpainting ) glow in the dark, pencil drawing , acrylic on canvas

Ghostbuster study

greetings from mister sunapee

85 x 120 cm, embroidery ( big Yarn-painting ) pencil drawing, acrylic on canvas


clay bead and gems

dandelion 2

dandelions back beads gems and clay

# Dandelion

my last sculpture is Dandelion from the series Burden no.4 / Dandelion is an Aboriginal who wants to be an american football-player

#Juffrouw Paula & Shirley loves to grow a croqtail# * circus girls * 80 x 45 cm

#Melania Property Of

Nasty Women Amsterdam

Melania Property Of

on 42nd NY

huggy Bear

Valley of Dolls

by Hedy van Erp


She can handle both! Burden no.3

Walking the Molecule

* walks like a dandy *

Walking the Molecule

No. 2 from the series Burden


I am working on a new series (*Burden*) no 1. is Nephilo

detail of Nephilo

# Scuba N’Gozi

* diving for pearls * from the song Shipbuilding /Elvis Costello about the war between the Philippines and England

# Iniko

* original sculpture *

New studio


Claspers of the Wobbegong

Embroidery (big yarnpainting) pencil drawing, acrylics on canvas. 90 x 200


120 x 90 cm Pencil drawing, embroidery on canvas ( yarnpainting )


100 x 150 cm pencil drawing , embroidery ( yarnpainting )

Decor Bubu

120 x 90 cm, pencil drawing, embroidery on canvas

Huis met de hoofden

150 x 140 cm x 20 cm pencil drawing, embroidery, business class houses / betondorp

part of Betondorp

turkish delight

no. 12 & no. 13

turkish delight

no. 7 & no. 8

turkish delight

no. 5 & no. 6

scottish barns

Pink barn, Black barn, Fish barn, Fraserburgh barn,Blue barn, Where I wanna be barn

Gieser Wildeman

180 x 270 cm, embroidery


*1* 的





BuBu, Scott, Amy

Children of St.Kilda

embroidery 75 x 385 cm